Posted by: endithinks | February 25, 2011

Russell Simmons comes to Seattle (Repost)

This is a repost of a blog I wrote at my other site  For the full article please follow the links.

Russell Simmons

The Seattle Public Library’s Microsoft Lecture Hall had a different feel to it on February 24th.  The large amphitheater style room was packed with an unusually raucous and excited crowd.  People were joking, laughing, telling stories and sharing secrets all because of the speaker that was sequestered in a back room surrounded by beefy bodyguards, Russell Simmons.

Mr. Simmons had agreed to come back to Seattle after a 4 year absence to promote his new book Super Rich. The book is a follow up to his New York Times bestseller Do You! and the themes of the book pick up where the other left off.

The book’s main themes are about redefining success in society by stripping away the need for material greed and refocusing towards living a more fulfilled life that is centered on giving, relationships and spiritual fulfillment.

Mr.  Simmons began his talk with his telling of how his Yoga practice lead him to a vegan lifestyle that made him realize that all his actions had consequences and he was connected to his world on more than just a material/needs basis.  He began to reevaluate his priorities and goals to align them with the peace and connection he had found through his studies of Yoga scriptures, the Bhagavad Gita, and other spiritual texts that emphasized a life of giving.

This is a stub, for more of the article please follow the link.

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